Monday, 26 November 2012

This monthly catch up is becoming a habit!

Not sure if it's a good habit or a bad one....but there we are, that's the way it is again this month.

There are things I'd like to share with you but finding the time in amongst all the other busy-ness in life is sooooo hard!  I'm sure you feel the same sometimes!

The decision to have a chat with you today is all down to the rotten weather!  I thought we all needed a catch-up and a cheer-up.

Yep, the weather is horrible, grey, murky, overcast, dull, cloudy, drizzly.....I could go on...but it's just depressing!

But before we get on to some nicer bits of making and baking, I just wanted to share these photos I took at the beginning of November of a hail downpour!

They were BIG and they were many......!  This is my back lawn....

This is the road outside our house (sorry about the neighbours rabbit hutch!)....

As you can see it was quite a covering!
I had my washing out and some time later I noticed this.....

YES!  That is hailstones caught in my sheet!!  I was amazed that they hadn't melted!
Anyway....the next day we had to take Teenage Son No.3 to a football match in a village called Newdigate, not far from here.  We took our wellies so that we could walk whilst he played....but due to the wet had to stay on the roads.
But there were some jolly little suprises hiding away, how about these.....
peeping from under a hedge....and these in the hedge......
that one just sung Christmas at me!
Then there were the trees....
This little splash of yellow, orange and brown against all the juicy green behind really stood out. (Not the best photo...sorry!  But I'm sure you get the idea!)
Poor Tiddly Toes got a bit Daddy to the rescue....
Can you believe that the 3 cars in the picture were the only ones we saw for over an hour!
So after all that wellie-trudging, puddle-spalshing, leaf-kicking and mud-squelching, we had no choice *hur-herm* but to make a nice Hottie Choccie when we got home.....

Mmmmmm!  You just have to have cream and 'shmellows' as Tiddly Toes calls them!
I've done a bit of baking this month including....
Apple Spice Bonfire Cakes (for Guy Fawkes Night on November 5th)....
.....they got iced and sprinkled after this by Teenage Daughter!
Here's one I rewarded myself with after a long, hard day of cleaning....
These are the Attic24 Oaty Biscuits by Lucy (love that recipe!)....

Then after a rummage in the cupboards realised I had a barrel almost full with broken biscuits (anybody would think they taste different to whole ones!!), 2 Easter eggs and 4 jars with about 1cm in the bottom of each of crystalised Golden Syrup!!

I had a better use for the jars which I shall be sharing soon!  SO as these are the basics of Rocky Road.....guess what.....

Then there were Makes.....
I've been following a blog called Greedy for Colour for some time... I fell in love with Kates Christmas baubles for which there is a tutorial.
So the other morning (whilst lounging in bed with a cuppa!) I knocked up this little beauty! 
(sorry about the poor light in the photo...said the weather was dull!)
Thought if I made any more that I might like to add some ribons or stitch some details on...what do you think?
Then my next bit of creativity was for Tiny was her 1st Birthday yesterday!  Time has flown....Happy Birthday Tiny Angel!! xxxx
You may remember I made her a cushion (it's the one with a red ring in the centre), her Mummy had (sometime ago...ooopppps!) fallen in love with a birdie decoration I made from a tutorial over at Lucys on I decided a matching Birdie of her own would be a gift she wouldn't receive from anyone else!
And here it is........
Do you like the addition of the little's an old Macrame trick...I thought it worked quite well!  What do you think?
Well I'm nearly there....couldn't resist showing you a very cold-ridden Tiddly Toes who was very sad to miss out on attending the Christmas Fair at the school our Out of School Club is based at.  I was on the face-painting stall!
So on Saturday to cheer up a Little Snotty Person....Mummy did this......................

She very proudly went into town like that!  Bless!
She is still recovering, so today it all caught up with her and I couldn't resist showing you this......

Her arm resting on the arm of the sofa, snoring her little head off!  Sweet!
Well, that's me done!
I'll be back soon with a small person make...a great idea if you have little ones for whom you are struggling to find a gift this space!  Also the Pinaddicts Challenge for December!  YAY!
See you very soon.

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