Thursday, 27 November 2014


This was my lunch today......

If you like salmon and tomatoes this is a MUST for you!

And it's simple!

Lay your salmon on a baking sheet and top it with Tomato Chutney, we use The English Provender Co Sweet Tomato and Chilli Chutney, dEEEElicious!  Bung it under the grill for about 4mins at a low - medium heat (160 degrees for our grill) and voila!

Totally scrumptious, very quick, healthy....what more can I say other than give it a whirl!

For a main meal we stir fry cooked rice, spring onions, ginger and either flat leaf parsley or coriander and serve with a side sauce of  the juice and zest of a lime in a couple of tablespoons of something creamy or yoghurt-y like fromage frais, creme fraiche, greek yoghurt, sour know what you adds a little zing!  The longest thing to cook is the rice, so if you need to speed things up why not use a pre-cooked rice like Uncle Bens Express?

Let me know if you try it!


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