There are no obvious themes, projects or is just a jumble of ....STUFF!
Over the last few weeks I have been whirling around getting back into term time, not only for my own family, but for our business too. We're all getting back into the swing of school, pre-school, college, dance and work and The Hubs now works longer hours (from 1st October) so everything is a-changing!
In between all of this mayhem....I find Little Pockets of Time!
That is MAKE!
And what a joy it is when I have those Little Pockets of Time........ *sigh*
Recently MAKE-ing has been cooking, baking, sewing, and crochet.....ahhh! Bliss!
Here is an array of our MAKE-ing Stuff, (with a bit of doing in between!)........
fabric cut for an attempt at quilting!
Tiddly Toes first experience of a car wash! She asked to do this for a treat! Bless.
A day trip to Holmbush Farm World (she's in the Purple and Green waterproof).
Fabric bought ready to make my lovely Father-in-Law (FIL) a tidy to hang over the arm of his chair. impressed that she kept in the lines as well as she did!
Dunking, sprinkling and eating homemade doughnuts!
Starting another Christmas pressie....!
Playing Superheroes! Hahahaha! Serious business you know.
Enjoying an impromptu family lunch at our local, The Holmbush Inn. What a lovely day that was. (Photo courtesy of Teenage Daughter).
Quilt blocks sewn together! Hoorah!
Fabric Tissue cozies to pop in your handbag. Whizzed up 8 in about 45 minutes.
Admiring this beauty from our bedroom window....aren't we fortunate?
A view of West Bromwich from our hotel window when we stayed in order to attend a family Christening.
Another bit of portable making that I can do whilst waiting for the Ballet class to finish. Suffolk Puff Brooches.
And finally............
today's offering of doughnuts. Different from the last lot. Not quite as successful but VERY tasty and only 1g of fat each!
As you can probably has been rather busy here! How has it been in your world?
I shall return soon, calmer and with some makes and bakes. I shall share the doughnut recipes and tell you more of why I am making brooches, tissue cozies and bunting...yes, bunting.....I'll share that tale another day.
Until then, take care, lots of love....
Nora xx