Well it's here....today is delivery day where we jump in the car with our Home Baked Goodies and do the rounds of friends and relatives that we haven't already seen and won't be seeing tomorrow.
It is a day of love, hugs, good wishes and happiness....the sort of day that leaves you with a warm fuzzy feeling.
Today our biggest pleasure will be visiting Grandma...in her New Home. She moved a few weeks ago but has been having work carried out, so what with upheavel for her and dodging between work, sickness and the rounds of Nativities etc here, we haven't had chance to see her until now.
Thanks to a lovely husband, helpful children, Flylady and, of course, yours truly, our home is clean enough to accept company. The majority of Christmas cards were sent during the second week of December. I take responsibility for decorating the tree and hanging paperchains and cards (with the help of our girls). Do you like our tree?
...and after Baking Day (or two!), even the kitchen looks calm and presentable - look...
I also sort the majority of presents for family and the girls. Lovely Husband does a couple of presents for our sons and writes the cheques for all five children, he also covers most of the little presents they give to each other.
So I had made or purchased gifts and wrapped them and adorned the base of our tree. Sewing, crocheting, baking and wrapping with love for months ahead.
Our Toddler decorated a Home Made Gingerbread for Santa, made him some Santa Wine (blackcurrant squash) and raided the fridge for carrots for the reindeer...how sweet...look....
BUT after hitting the shops this morning, loosing a bag of presents (which he telephoned all the shops he had visited to see if they had it...) my Lovely Husband returned to the shops to retrieve his lost bag of presents and after dinner asked if I would help him wrap them all! (whilst our daughter was upstairs wrapping mine from him!)
You just gotta laugh! So not as calm and organised on Christmas Eve as I would have liked because in addition to that there were my eldest daughters presents that I had struggled to buy, hide and wrap as she had been sick from school for 3 weeks before Christmas!!!
So just before Midnight I hope I have finished the last thing and bundle into bed...satisfied and excited about Santa's imminent visit..(and quietly praying that I haven't overlooked something of vital importance!) Nite nite.