Sunday, 7 April 2019

It's been a while....

 .....since we visited 'down south' and also updated the blog!

We have been busy moving, settling in, Christmas, New Year, visitors, lcoal 'stuff' and settling in, more visitors.....we will go back and fill in the last few this post won't make much sense when we've caught up again...BUT....

...for now, we'll jump straight in where we are and say that earlier this week we visited friends & was nice to see so many people and our only photo of our 4 days away is this one....

When we arrived at Horsham Playpark, Little Woo went straight to the sand pit, always has been her favourite, so I couldn't resist a photo.

We are now back home....what a joy to return.

Funny how you can live somewhere all your life and yet feel so alien, you move somewhere where you've holidayed a few weeks whilst house-hunting and yet feel so at ease and relaxed like you have always belonged there.

I can't promise to fill in the gaps of the last few months....or to keep up with the blog in the next few either, but I'll do my best to share some beauty, recipes and fun as and when I can.

In the meantime, take care

The 3 Adventurers 😊

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